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Locals must be involved in forest management to maintain the forest's beauty and promote eco-tourism in order to safeguard the Sundarbans.

Sundarban Day Observation by SoDESH
Discussion on the Sundarban Day Observation 

Speakers at the meeting of the Sundarbans Day said that Sundarbans protect the people living in the coastal areas of Bangladesh by keeping them from natural disasters like a mother. Sundarbans serve as one of the maintenances in the protection of Bangladesh. Sundarbans are our national resources. It is now a world heritage. Bangladesh can be identified separately at the base of the world. Sundarbans have kept the southwestern part of the country from natural disasters. Most of the mother's lap is as safe as a baby sleeps in absolute relaxation, a large area in the southwest is safe to resort to the Sundarbans. The 8th National Sundarbans Conference was held in Khulna in the last 20 years. The conference was formally inaugurated by President Justice Sahabuddin Ahmed. From that time on February 14, Sundarbans Day was celebrated. The speakers also said that Sundarbans are not only the single largest mangrove forest in the world, but there is no forest in the world, such as the Sundarbans. This is why Sundarbans are called 'living schools of biodiversity'. The construction of industrial establishments in the adjacent area of the Sundarbans must be stopped. People dependent on the Sundarbans need to be made aware. To protect the forest, local forests have to be involved in conservation and their knowledge should be applied. The Ministry of Sundarbans has to be established. Eco Tourism must be ensured for traveling to the Sundarbans. You have to stop moving in the Sundarbans. At present, the activities of the celebration of this day are attached to the Sundarbans Academy, Forest Department various national and international development organizations, business organizations, journalist society, and nature-loving people. On-line-based and very small Sundarbans Day was celebrated after 2021 due to the ultra-coronation. Among the many limitations, Sundarbans Day is being celebrated in various formalities this time. 'Love the Sundarbans, Declaration of Sundarbans Day on February 14'-Satkhira's beautiful day has been celebrated in front of the slogan. District Council Chairman Nazrul Islam addressed the chief guest while chaired by Education Principal Abdul Hamid at the city's Managov Sabha on Tuesday, February 14, 2021. Special guest was addressed by social personality Sheikh Azhar Hossain, Member Secretary of the District Citizens Committee and Advisory Secretary of the Daily Magazine Abul Kalam Azad, Assistant Forest Conservator of the District Social Forestry Program of the Forest Department. Human rights activist Madhav Chandra Dutta, executive director of SoDESH-Satkhira, conducted a discussion meeting organized by Satkhira, Satkhira. Development worker Sardar Ghiyasuddin Ahmed presented the keynote paper. District Awami League office secretary Harun Ur Rashid, development activist Ashek E Elahi, Professor Idris Ali, Barsa Assistant Director Nazmul Alam Munna, and poet Kabir Raihan participated in the open discussion. Among others were Crescent's Executive Director Abu Jafar Siddique, Coastal People's Forum-CPF Director Farooq Rahman, Head Organization Director Luis Rana Gain, Achievement Foundation Director Mahua Manjuri, Sundarbans Foundation Director Sheikh Afzal Hossain. Private Development Organization Swadesh, TIB, Asha Lokkandre, Achievement Foundation, Sundarbans Foundation, BGF, Sushilan, Samus, Head, Progress, Crescents, Crescents, Crescents, Crescents, First Lighting Friends, Participation. Cido, shelter, noon. 


  • The state will immediately publish the Gazette on February 14 to celebrate Sundarbans Day.
  • The establishment of the Ministry of Sundarbans like West Bengal for the preservation of the Sundarbans created an authority called the Sundarbans Development Council or the 'Sundarbans Development Board', ensuring the development of the present Sundarbans Department, maintenance of the rivers and dams of the region and other responsibilities. Also, establishing a special financial institution or 'Sundarbans Bank' to establish a consensus to protect the poor from giving up or unbearable interest and to create an impact for changing government policies. 
  • To reduce the risk of climate change, collect the wealth of the Sundarbans and create demand for public-oriented policies with users, civil society, public representatives, and others. 
  • The crisis existing crisis to maintain the normal life of the poor people in the Sundarbans region, such as natural disasters, product prices, "Mukita, inaccessible area, socio-political instability, salinity, drinking water crisis, health and medical crisis, etc. And to assist, advise, and encouragement to the working groups, organizations, and organizations.
  • Supporting the Sundarbans contribution to the World Climate Revented.


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